Friday, December 10, 2010

Scot. Pierre Cohen conducts the investigation such as Inspector gadget. -The Post (Blog)


When nothing was ? say, it must be the.

When you are inaudible, need to be heard.

When it is not known to orchestrate, were improvising.

These are the three currencies of Pierre Cohen!

Tramway in gr?ve projects at a standstill, imp?ts rising voil? Pierre Cohen goes ? imagine the city for 20 years... in a classic diversion m?diatique ? follow in next the Midi D?p?che ?ditions!
"Agglom?ration Toulouse will consult its 900,000 inhabitants on a large project that she has ?labor? its urbanization and who intends to raise the d?fi hosting come new 300,000 in twenty years without gobbling up agricultural and natural spaces alentour.Les 900,000 inhabitants are appel?s ? leave 15 d?cembre ? give their opinion in the course of a public enqu?te on territorial coh?rence Sch?ma (SCoT), document r?glementaire cens? plan d?veloppement ?quilibr? am?nagement agglom?ration project facilitator indiqu? Jacques Engrand, a growing."-> Give your opinion ? Pierre Cohen
Apr?s its foundations if and the, Pierre play us here a new partition of discordant music. Even urinate in a violin by r?pondre ? his enqu?te.
Pierre, the Toulouse to clue in their town of in 20 years, they have ?lu a mayor for g?rer urgent probl?mes today!

3 years together, ?a begins ? well done!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Sony Ericsson PSP Phone Z1 in nature!

If one believes the Greek site Techblog, here's a video taken at the famous hard Z1 Sony Ericsson PSP Phone! The device appears to have a touch screen at least 4 ", also run under Android Gingerbread (2.3). More info on December 9th?

Official Troll - It would sell Windows phone for 15 Androphones

I really do not understand what interest, but a phone retail chain British realized that she did not sell many smartphones Windows 7 Phone embarked on an investigation worthy of the greatest reporters from its competitors.

The result is clear: he sells about a Windows 7 Phone Androphones for 15. Or, and? I suppose we could do the same when compared with the iPhone the G1 from HTC is out: see the result.

The most interesting figure is that 15 out of 16 users prefer Android Phone to Windows, it is well out of the stereotype Android = geeks. Windows scary, Linux (or a derivative thereof) attracts, who knew?

3D Drawing Pad - A gadget to draw in 3D

For those like me who are fans of anaglyph (3D glasses with red and green), here's a nice little gadget for kids: 3D Drawing Pad is a little gadget that will help to draw in 3D and admire their creations after using the pair of glasses. If Oldschool, but so good;)