Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Apple vs. Google: The MacBook Air bury the project Chrome OS

Last year, Google introduced Chrome project OS, an operating system designed for netbooks or tablets. Its particularity is to be very lightweight because it consists essentially of a Web browser. Need more applications, file managers, all uses are in line with the various services that are already using the Internet.

The rationale of Chrome OS is to get rid of all unnecessary features of a traditional operating system to boot in seconds, have a very fast computer, available immediately. For now it remains a draft.

Except that this great company has just taken a big hit club. This week, Apple released the MacBook Air and after initial tests, it starts in 15 seconds, it wakes up instantly, and the system, as applications are available immediately.

The reason for this feat: essentially abandoning the hard disk. By working only with Flash memory, the ultrathin laptop gives a boost to phenomenal Mac OS X, the operating system of the apple. Beyond that, the rest of the components (RAM, processor, graphics card) are not exceptional, they are the same found in all brands of netbooks.

Just watch the video presentation of Chrome OS to see that all the promises of this software have already been held with the MacBook Air. And this while keeping a true and complete operating system performance (Snow Leopard) accompanied by a stupid browser will fill at least the same features as Chrome OS.

In short, Apple has done with a computer today that Google wants to do with software in the future.

All PC makers will eventually imitate Apple and the next two years, hard drives are certainly the minority on laptops. The performance will then have nothing to do with those we know today. So, Chrome OS bound to happen after the battle. It will no longer be a fast and powerful focus on the web, but a system crippled and incomplete because only confined to the web.

His sole interest would be to install it on older machines, but it is not ambition that Google plans to distribute its system as among manufacturers. So, the only thing that will probably survive Chromium OS, the open source version that can capture the developers. The future of the Google project that no longer resides in the computers of the past.


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