Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Android App : Get Social with TweetDeck

Although the Android platform is blessed with several awesome stand-alone social networking apps – Twitter, Facebook and FourSquare being just three examples – it’s a proper bind having to constantly switch between them in order to keep up with your fast-paced digital empire. Thank goodness then for TweetDeck, a clever piece of programming that has enjoyed massive success in its desktop and iOS iterations. It ingeniously aggregates all of your social feeds in one place, allowing you to keep tabs on Twitter posts, Facebook status updates, FourSquare check-ins and Google Buzz links.

Just like previous editions, the Android version of TweetDeck uses columns to display your information. Your ‘home’ feed – which is essentially postings by people you’re connected with across all of your social networks – is your main point of focus, but you’ve also got supplementary columns for ‘mentions’ and direct messages. However, for those of you that use multiple Twitter accounts, TweetDeck is like manna from heaven. You can add in several different Twitter identities, and post to several different accounts simultaneously.

Until very recently TweetDeck was in beta, but it’s now live on the Android Market and boasts a raft of improvements and tweaks. The team behind the app have stated that Android is now their lead mobile platform, so not only is this a true godsend, it also gives you welcome bragging-rights over your iPhone-owning brethren. And to top it all off, it’s being offered entirely free of charge.


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